Sunday, March 8, 2009

Watchmen ****

Wow! Where do I begin? Let me start at the beginning.

Last summer I was blown away by the teaser trailer for Watchmen. It was like the great appetizer to go with The Dark Knight. A week after I decided to seek out the text and found it in my local library. Surprisingly, no one had taken it out. I read it in about 3 weeks. I took my time with it. I fell in love with the world created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. This was like everyone had said, the superhero story completely deconstructed and built from the ground up. It stuck with me long after reading it. So much so that I was reminded just recently of a past incident in the late 80s where I was told to buy the original 12 issue mini series comics because one day they'd be worth something. I passed but I remember them telling me the story. 

Cut to Thursday March 5, 2009. A few friends of mine called and said they were going to a midnight screening in a local theater. I passed because I was just beginning to feel better from a week long cold. They had never read the whole comic book series. I can't really call it a graphic novel because it was turned into one to gain a bigger credibility than that of a comic book. So anyways one of my friends said he got really tired during the last hour or so and still loved it as did my other friend. Another friend of mine who I never knew read the comic and loved it, also thought the movie was amazing. Yet another friend of mine who just read the comic loved it, hated the movie. He was beyond upset. Finally, another friend of mine who is both a movie and book junkie gave it a 6.5. How could a movie be so polarizing? Should I even have spoken to these people and just gone in clean? 

Saturday March 7, 2009. I woke up with the best feeling in a long time. We had beautiful weather and you know that feeling when you wake up on the 1st nice day of the season? It's almost like there's no more chill in the air and you wake up comfortable. 3 friends of mine decided to do a 10:35p.m. showing. I had slept from 4a.m. until 10a.m and felt great all day. Energized. Out of my winter depression. Spring had arrived for a day!

I sat down and somewhat enjoyed the trailers before the movie. I'll discuss the Summer Movie season at some point before May 1st. Anyways, the moment had arrived Watchmen was beginning. In an opening somewhat reminiscent of A Clockwork Orange we were treated to a yellow WB logo and than we were dropped into it. The Comedian is watching The McLaughlin Group on tv and they are discussing the threat of a nuclear disaster. After a few minutes a man breaks into his apartment and a big fight ensues. It is brutal. You feel every punch and drop. And than this man lifts up The Comedian and throws him out of the apartment. What a beginning! It took the opening scene that gave me an unsettled feeling that carried throughout the whole movie.

Is this a good or a bad thing? Well, I have never felt so uneasy in a film before. I remember reading about this film called Irreversible where the director had a sound in the background to make people feel squeamish. Here was a film that I personally felt was scarier than the Friday the 13th remake or the My Bloody Valentine remake, to name a few. This world was fully realized. It was surreal. It was scary. It was dreamlike. It was hopeless. 

In the comics, you had the room to breathe and you could put the book down and pick it back up again. What director Zack Snyder kept was the meat of the story and it is brutal because it keeps building up on its previous brutality. There is nowhere to escape. Scenes where you can breathe in are few and far between. You are on the edge of your seat in a white knuckled fear of impending doom. Why? Well, the irony here is that these heroes can do nothing to stop the threat of nuclear war. Not even God-like Dr. Manhattan, who has now found the time to reflect and leave Earth to go to Mars. That leaves humanities hopes alive with a sociopath with a tortured childhood Rorschach, a schlub of a man who is afraid to put his mask and suit back on Nite Owl II, and a young woman with mommy issues and soon to her knowledge daddy issues Silk Spectre II. The murdered hero was The Comedian who raped a woman and shoots in cold blood at point blank range a pregnant woman with what could be possibly his child. 

These are our heroes folks! This is both where the film ascends all other superhero films and comics and at the same time detaches itself from being entertainment and becomes a cautionary tale and just one of the blackest, bleakest, and coldest stories in the genre. This is in no means a comic book movie for children. Keep them the hell away! There really is no real sense of fear in Spiderman when the Green Goblin holds 2 cable cars on the Washington Bridge. You know somehow Spiderman is going to save both cable cars. The genre is made that way because the whole concept of the superhero is really conquering our fears of overcoming the bad evils in our world. So when you watch Spiderman there really is no fear or surprise at what is going to happen. It's pretty kid friendly I guess you can say. Even in The Dark Knight you know that Batman is going to stop the Joker somehow, someway. Well, the Joker is only one deranged madman. He can only do so much damage to Gotham City. Nuclear War is a different puppy altogether. Growing up in the 80s I vaguely remember that fear and have heard now about how close we came...multiple times.

I don't know if my fear level was up high because I started to get tired and I had all these dark themes and images stuffed into my brain and ears with no escape in sight. I did admittedly leave twice to take a break from it. It is that gruesome and tiring. I think when you get sleepy your brain releases melotonin and this can cause a state of heightened reality and a misperception of it. This is what some people think people with Schizophrenia suffer from to create illusions. Anyways, I applaud a film that took my spring fever and completely crushed it. You know a film is great when it can completely engross you in its world and make you feel that this is real tension. It is that palpable. 

Going back to what I stated about feeling helpless and hopeless is what makes this stand out. I had similar feelings watching Apocalypse Now and even Silent Hill. Let me further elaborate. I know how this was going to end. This is something I will discuss next paragraph. But getting there you just feel that these heroes can really do nothing to stop the threat of a nuclear war. I know I'm sounding repetitive but really no one with a mature sense of emotions can find a horror movie that scary. Unless if the horror is derived out of something tangible horror. Not a Jason or Freddy or Giant Ants. The fact that what we've been going through since the 1st Gulf War and 9/11 and our current history lends itself a certain relatability to audiences not familiar with the comic. Technically what happens in Watchmen could happen in real life. I'll leave you with the thought that what happened on September 11th was an extremely tragic event but it lead to a certain sense of peace and utopia for a couple of months. It brought people together in unseen ways. 

The End Is Near: What Ozymandias does is this: he uses Dr. Manhattan's machine that gave him his unwanted powers and unleashes it on the major cities of the world. He destroys these cities and kills millions of innocent civilians to save the lives of billions. How does this happen? Well, the public and the politicos think that Dr. Manhattan acted as an angry God and destroyed these cities to show them what would happen if Nixon pushed the button. This makes the politicos fall back and thus peace ensues...for the time being at least. I fall in the middle of condoning or condemning what Ozymandias did. If he didn't do this, the world could have blown itself into hell. Or at least an even worst hell than the one they were living in. 

So the ultimate question is this: Is Ozymandias the villain or is he the hero? And how can this line become so blurred and see through, but so complex? He knew that his fellow heroes could truly never bring about a state of peace. He figured out how to do that. He acted on it on his own free will. And he has them by the balls! They all have to agree on this lie to prevent anarchy. Rorschach won't stand for this and he gets obliterated by Dr. Manhattan.

Everyone here really does a great job. One such scene involving the raping of Sally Jupiter played by Carla Gugino lends a new light not inferred in the comic. The one line that she says when The Comedian walks in and she is taking off her clothes goes something like "oh what are you doing here?" In the comic it is read as having a condemning tone. In the film Gugino says it as sort of an innocent come on. Yes, you find out that her daughter Silk Spectre II is actually fathered by The Comedian. So somehow after this brutal scene they had something going on. 

I'd highly recommend reading the comic.    

Lastly, keep in mind this film deals with child abuse, rape, annihilation, fear, brutality, killing, impotency, fetishes and other such issues. Most films take one of the above and can make a film on it. It really is, I can't state enough, a lot to ask of an audience to handle in one sitting. But above all else, be proud that there is actually a film like this that has been made and put out into this world for audiences to discuss.   

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

He Will Return

I had a good momentum going. Than I went in for a medical test January 12th and that threw off my week. Now I'm back in school again for a little bit tougher semester. I have thought about my blog and missing each day to post something. Part of me wants to make up for lost time but that'd be crazy. I'll post something tomorrow.



Thursday, January 8, 2009

Seven Pounds *** 1/2

Hello Out There,

My first review is one that I want to get out of the way since I just saw this film on Tuesday night for 6 dollars at Lowell Showcase. 

Well, the film was really quite an upper. No! This was one of the most depressing but engrossing films I've seen in a long time. I will put a spoiler sign up now. I believe I can't review this film properly without getting into it. 

SPOILERS **********************

Will Smith plays Ben Thomas an IRS agent. He is like Batman or Robin Hood but for matters of the body. We see him going around to random people trying to get them a little bit more help. He helps out a Latino woman who has 2 children and an unseen abusive husband. You know the type. Woody Harrelson is a blind pianist that is seen by Ben Thomas in a bar. Finally, Rosario (I may be giving my best performance) Dawson is a seemingly single woman helped out by Ben Thomas. What do all these people have in common? Why is Will Smith walking around the film like a depressed Wall Street trader? Allow me to get into detail in the next paragraph.

Ben Thomas gets into a relationship with Rosario's character. She has congenital heart disorder. We know this because she passes out when she walks her dog. Ben Thomas shows up at her house to try to convince her to fight to be put higher on a list for a heart donor. He shows up again at the hospital, I think, when she passes out again. They start to show affection for each other. And what begins for the next hour is quite a beautiful love story. One that you know will be tragic. But how? Well, let me tell you folks. 

Ben shows up at Rosario's house where she is all dolled up. She looks amazing in this film even if she looks sick for 80% of the film. Anyways, she gets him a gift. LOL. It's a salmon shirt and jeans to get him out of his Reservoir Dogs black and white suit. They slow dance. Than they have sex. :( Is this safe for a poor woman with a heart disorder? Well, they show Ben looking at Rosario's neck where you can hear only her heartbeat. At this point I thought ok here it is she's gonna die....because they had to fuck. Nope. Instead Ben runs out of the house and literally runs in the pouring rain. We see him run into the hospital looking for the doctor for Rosario. He asks her what percent does she have of finding a heart. She replies 4%. Ben is angry and calls him up lawyer friend. Wha? Lawyer friend? Yeah.

The undercurrent of the whole film is Ben talking to Barry Pepper's character about serious stuff. I should 1st mention here that Ben owns a jelly fish in an awesome fish tank. He tells a jelly fish story. You know that it will play a part at some point. Ok. Than we also see Ben's brother trying to track him down. Ben's bro shows up at Rosario's house after the sexy time. Things are made clear and this is where the movie either gets lost on you or you feel cheated. Ben's bro tells him that he needs to stop parading around as an IRS agent. Yep, Ben has been lying to these people. In fact, somehow Ben's bro is the real IRS agent and Ben has made a phoney baloney ID. 

Got all that?! Well, now we see the flashback to see what caused Ben to act depressed and eat Chinese food in a hotel room. Ben and his wife(that I failed to mention..we see her in a smattering a flashbacks) get in a deadly car accident that kills 7 people including his own wife. All because he looked at his cellphone. Than we see Ben have the newspaper article pinned up on his wall. Now everything begins to make sense. Sort of. Although, it can not prepare one for the ending. 

Basically, Ben has decided to commit suicide which is actually the 1st scene of the film. How he does it is sad but ultimately can't be taken too seriously. As soon as he leaves the hospital after he had sex with Rosario he goes to his hotel room and fills up the tub with ice. Lots of it. He dips himself in it and we see....the jellyfish in the tub. So of course he gets stung and begins to tweak out and all the shower curtains go flying and you think .... what the fuck is going on?! He just got Rosario to fall for him only to literally give her his heart. Yep, to jump to the whole shebang. This suicide is so that Rosario can live with a decent heart and Woody can see and play piano. Pretty much he's a walking suicidal organ donor.

Now, I wish there was that unintentional comedic scene of Rosario getting the pager going off to know that she had a heart waiting for her. And than she finds out that it is from Ben. I'm sure that would've killed her. I mean she would've been calling up the man she just finally fell in love with and keep in mind had sex with. Well, sorry girl-he's dead. 

I really enjoyed the film as it played out. I think there is no real easy way to end this film. Ultimately, I think what Ben has done is selfish. At least with Rosario's character. This is what sat with me wrong. He has now put her through the same thing that drove him to suicide. Rosario had no idea about the car crash that took Ben's wife. But in all of that, I found a very brave film with flawed characters and motivations. 



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday Is Kicking Television

Hey All,

"Previously On Lost". These are 3 words I'll be hearing in 2 weeks from tonight. What a long wait! It seemed like forever that Ben Linus was cranking a frozen donkey wheel to move the island. But to where? Or better yet - when?

I read some spoiler free reviews and I can tell you that this opening 1-2 punch of new episodes is amazing and a real brain teaser. I wouldn't expect anything less from Lost. 

What brings me back is the characters moreso than the intricate plotlines. Eh you know what they both do! Lost has been triumphant in bringing back the week to week cliffhanger. Almost to the point of wishing you had your own form of time travel to get to next week's episode. Or better yet waiting for the DVD set. 

I have no idea how Ben will get the Oceanic 6 back to the island. Sun is working with Charles Widmore to get revenge for the supposed dead - Jin. Are Jack and Kate finally together in the real world off the island? Will Sawyer hook up with Juliet? What the hell is up with Claire? Hey, Hugo is back in the mental ward. This is what I can mostly remember from last season's finale. Time to catch up on some Lost. Which is a real pleasure to do.

I can't believe how much time has passed since last time! I think Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skulls opened on that Thursday night the 22nd of May. We've had The Dark Knight. Tropic Thunder. My Best Friend's Girl. LOL. 

That's all that I can think of. Anyways, I would like to use this day to talk about television and some shows that some of you may want to hear about or never heard about.



Tuesday's Song Of The Day

Hello Everyone, (all 1 of you)

I spend the last day of each month making a mix cd for the upcoming month. For February it will surround all types of love songs. January's theme was about new beginnings. Here are the 1st 5 tracks if you're wondering:

1. U2 - New Year's Day
2. Wu-Tang Clan - Bring Da Ruckus
3. Weezer - The World Has Turned And Left Me Here
4. The Cure - In Between Days
5. Wilco - Pot Kettle Black        (I put these two back to back since the instrumentation sounds eerily similar)

I will discuss the 6th song since it is January 6th.
6. Talking Heads - Seen And Not Seen

Listening to these cryptic lyrics I was shocked by how this sums up one of my old script ideas. This is found off of Talking Heads fantastic Remain In Light released in 1980. The song is about personal identity and the media's influence on people's identities. 

The song begins with the narrator looking at people's faces in books, tv, and magazines. He feels that somehow these faces are right for him. And by keeping these ideas in his mind that in over 10 years his own face will subtly change to a face he desires. He even believes that most people share his ability. He thinks that people change their face to better suit their personality or people change their personality to better suit their new face. This is why he believes 1st impressions are correct. He thinks that some people may have made a mistake with their new face arriving at an appearance that bears no resemblance to them . The narrator wonders if he has made this same mistake.  Wow. My head is spinning. 

Well, my story idea I had awhile back dealt with personal identity, mistaken identity and plastic surgery. That idea that what's on the outside doesn't necessarily match what's on the inside. Vice Versa. How much does plastic surgery change someone? Does it change them that they are a different person? Can it change them into a different person? Can subscribing to a new belief change a person? How can one manipulate the whole cosmetic surgery era to suit their own needs? These are all things seen and not seen.



Monday, January 5, 2009

Coming To Theaters This Friday January 9, 2009

Hey All,

Well I would like to do this sort of post on Mondays to let you know (anyone out there, ha?) what films are coming out in the coming week.

This is really the 1st weekend of new films coming to theaters in the 09. January as most of you know is a schizophrenic month in Hollywood. You have the typical dumping ground movies and than the prestigious films finally expand to a theater new you. 

Ok what's coming out :

Bride Wars - 20th Century Fox is trying to reclaim the magic they had almost the same time last year with 27 Dresses. Though that movie came out over Martin Luther King weekend. That was a movie I kind of enjoyed. Hey you can't beat Katherine Heigl. She's beautiful and talented and funny. Plus, Ed Burns and James Marsden had great supporting roles. In Bride Wars, 2 women in some typical movie fashion end up having the same day for their wedding. Thus the bride wars break out. To me it looks ok and I may wait and rent this one. The one thing it has going for it is the 2 leads. Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway in the same movie may make this a sleeper hit. It's too bad there aren't more movies out there for actresses like Rachel Getting Married which showed that Anne Hathaway can act. With the recent holidays there really hasn't been a romantic comedy in awhile. But wait this is more of a kitchen sink comedy. One gets orange tanned and the other gets her hair dyed blue for revenge. Yawn! The one thing ironically this is missing is the funny male lead to make it ok for men to go see this with their girlfriends. One last thing - this was one of the many movies shot in Boston in the past few years. In April-June of 2008 for those keeping track. It is directed by Gary Winick who did 13 Going On 30, Charlotte's Web and Tadpole.

The Unborn - This looks fricken scary. I mean The Exorcist scary... Hold The Phone! This is rated PG-13!!! Why bother?! I mean come on all the stuff in the trailers and tv ads looks like rated R stuff to me. So does this mean we'll get the watered down version in theaters and have to wait for the typical DVD Unrated version "Too Scary To Show In Theaters." David S. Goyer directs. He's done Blade: Trinity and the much better The Invisible both of which he directed. I believe The Invisible suffered the same fate: PG-13 in theaters and "Unrated" on DVD. Gary Oldman somehow found his way into this. Must be due to David S. Goyer having the story credit for both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. Odette Yustman is the main reason to see this. She is utterly gorgeous and was great as Beth in last year's Cloverfield. At some point I would like to do a rant on PG-13 horror, but I will get into the gist of it here. Obviously, PG-13 means more people can see a film($$$$$) and who else but little teenyboppers love them some horror films. Well, there's a huge mass of people who are diehard horror fans that get jack shit. To make a simple blanket statement I would say that most of the great R rated horror films go straight to DVD. Or get very limited theatrical release. Will we ever get R rated horror films that aren't in the silly Saw series?.......Ironically, this film is being released by Rogue Pictures who last year put out 2 rated R films that were well received by certain groups of fans- Doomsday and The Strangers.

Expanding this weekend are in my opinion the films to really seek out and see. They are :

Gran Torino - Clint Eastwood's 2nd directorial effort from 2008 that is a throw back to Dirty Harry. This looks amazing and fresh. I am sure that those of you that may be reading this already know what this is about. 

The Reader - Kate Winslet stars as a secret Nazi guard who has a sexual relationship with a 15 year old boy who reads to her amongst other things. Stephen Daldry directs. He brought us the magnificent Billy Elliot. Word is that this is the better performance from Winslet. Also, I hear there is some fine work from Ralph Fiennes as well as the adult version of the 15 year old.

Last Chance Harvey - I think this will expand to probably Boston only this week. This looks like Before Sunset for the older crowd. I saw the preview for this and fell in love with its premise and sense of real time bonding and spending time together to get to know someone. This one stars 2 acting titans - Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. 

Che (part 1 & part 2) - In an unprecedented move, at least to me, this film is being divided into 2 parts showing at the same time on the same weekend. Total running time I heard is 4 hours and 20 minutes. Sadly, this has been missing from most Top Ten Lists and Golden Globe nominations. Benicio Del Toro stars and is directed by the extremely busy Steven Soderbergh. Soderbergh also has The Girlfriend Experience and The Informant (with Matt Damon) coming out in 2009. 

Movies That Were Released This Weekend Last Year :

Mad Money (remember this one with Diane Keaton and the only movie that Katie Holmes has been in since she married Tom. Oh wait she was in something else. Oops!)
The Bucket List (expansion from Oscar consideration release)
In The Name Of The King: A Dungeon Siege Tale  (Uwe Boll's latest "masterpiece" with Jason Statham. Why?)
First Sunday (my 2008 Worst Film of the Year)

What Is Kristofor Going To See This Weekend :

Gran Torino and The Reader.



PS Let me know if you see any of the movies I listed here. I want to hear your reviews/thoughts/opinions on them.